Confirmed: THE ESTUARY previews this week

By The Folks @PropTalk - February 23, 2010 No Comments

As confirmed by The Business Times today, MCL Land will preview THE ESTUARY this week. And all eyes in the property market are focused to see if demand has been dented by last Friday’s anti-speculation measures.

One and two-bedroom units – which have typically been popular among some speculators at property launches over the past year – make up nearly 40% of the total 608 units in THE ESTUARY.

MCL will preview about 200 units in this 99-year leasehold condo located in Yishun at an average price of about $750psf.

Property industry watchers will be focusing on the demand for smaller units – especially the 85 one-bedders which range from 590 – 603sqft. Smallish apartments have often been targets for speculators over the past year as the lump sum outlay is relatively more affordable. And for developers, smallish units can achieve the highest psf price.

MCL is reportedly pricing its one-bedders at $835psf on average, translating to a lump sum investment of about $500,000. The two-bedroom units range from 904 – 926sqft and have an average price of $780psf. The three-bedders (1184 – 1302sqft) cost $722psf on average, while the four-bedders (1453 – 1528sqft) have an average price of $689psf.


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