Are you living in the Pine Grove area?

By The Folks @PropTalk - April 22, 2011 1 Comment

The wife and I found this rather interesting report by Kim Eng Research while scouring the web for certain information about Cavendish Park & Astor Green.

Kim Eng Research (14042011)

We now know that there is over 3,300 private apartments around the Pine Grove area. Included in the report are the secondary market prices for developments in the area over the past 12 months (only 2 resales for The Trizon??).  It also provided information about the existing land banks of some of the major developers in Singapore. But conspicuously misssing from the list is Far East.

While on the subject of Cavendish Park and Astor Green, we believe the plot ratio for both is 2.1 (similar to Pine Grove). But can anyone tell us what is the land size for these two developments respectively?


1 comment to '' Are you living in the Pine Grove area? "

  1. There is no conclusion to the report? What does it mean?

    Cavendish owner
