Are you living in a "shoebox"..?

By The Folks @PropTalk - April 28, 2012 4 Comments
Mr Mak has asked a rather pertinent question: the wife and I actually do not know of anyone who lives in a "shoebox" apartment. Then again, we are probably the "old school" sort and coming from a totally different demographic.

So here's a straw poll on our readers: What age group do you belong to and how many "shoebox"dwellers do you know?

Reference: "Shoebox units make up 27% of new sales"- The Business Times, 28th April 2012



4 comments to '' Are you living in a "shoebox"..? "

  1. my mum has a shoebox unit in thailand. she uses for her visits there. i've stayed there with her a couple of times. hers is 600sgft and its definitely livable for singles and couples.

    in thailand, there are a lot of coin-operated washing machines in the residential area and that really helps.


  2. A cousin (single) has a small format apt(500 + sq ft). After he got married, he sold shoebox and got a regular condo. Another cousin (newly married) also had a shoebox. After real human kids came (some ppl refer themselves as mama or papa to their cats / dogs), they got rid of shoebox of 650 sq ft and got a regular condo.

  3. The Folks @PropTalkApril 30, 2012 at 9:57 AM

    Hi Anonymous (29/4/12, 2:44pm) aka gm,

    Thanks for your input.

    Then again, a 600sqft apartment technically will not qualify under the "shoebox" category. :)

    We also wonder if the Thai developers also include areas such as aircon ledges and planter boexes as part of the total area of their apartment units.

  4. Oh pls, there are still people & families living in a 1-2rooms HDB flats (which is considered shoebox in HDB style) in Singapore! So it doesn't mean small spaces are un-livable or not conducive for family living!

    Don't understand the fuss of shoeboxes in condos, really...:p
