Q2 private home prices stage rebound!

By The Folks @PropTalk - July 2, 2012 8 Comments
Prices of private homes in Singapore swung higher in the second quarter from the previous three months, government data showed on Monday, reversing a short-lived decline in the last quarter.

Preliminary data released by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) showed private-residential prices rising 0.4% in the April-June quarter from the previous quarter. Home prices had eased 0.1% in the first quarter in the first decline since the second quarter of 2009.

URA said prices of non-landed private residential properties increased by 0.6 per cent in the core central region in Q2 this year, compared to a decrease of 0.6 per cent in the previous quarter.

There was no change in the prices for private homes in the rest of central region.

Prices of private homes outside the central region increased at a slower pace of 0.4 per cent in Q2, compared to an increase of 1.1 per cent in the previous quarter.

The flash estimates are based on figures from the first ten weeks of the quarter. Full results will be released in a month's time.
Source: Channel News Asia

The Q2 figures bring to mind the chorus of a certain "See Saw Song" written by Duncan Wells:
See saw
teeter-totter tilt
some folks smile some other folks frown
see saw
teeter-totter tilt
one goes up
the other goes down


8 comments to '' Q2 private home prices stage rebound! "

  1. erh....i miss boat. sigh

  2. Moving sideways. Sideway trend?

  3. Today's Singapore is not comparable with 1997, hard to imagine the price will fall back to 2009 level.

  4. Folks. Do you know number of transactions and total transaction value to make up the rise?

    Where can i find such data?

    I want to find the data quarter on quarter. find?

  5. The Folks @PropTalkJuly 3, 2012 at 2:28 PM

    Hi Anonymous (3/7/2012, 2:19PM):

    You may have to wait for the full results in about a month's time.

    Alternatively (but we aren't absolutely sure about this), you can try URA Realis.

    This database can be found on the URA website (www.ura.gov.sg) but access is chargeable (per day or annual subscription).


  6. Movement sideways means prices consolidate before moving to another direction. Can be up or down.

  7. Rebound only, main trend is down due to oversupply..

  8. I am very interested in The Estuary.
    Is the prices going to climb? This is going to be my 2nd property.
