Our "proposition" to Developers and Marketing Agents...

By The Folks @PropTalk - July 13, 2014 3 Comments

The wife and I have been toying with the idea of resuming our reviews on new residential property launches. However, one of the TWO main reasons why we have stopped visiting showflats in the first place (other than the fact that we had been rather busy over the past year) is the lack of access. As taking photos of the show units is generally frowned upon by the developers, it was becoming quite a chore playing "cat and mouse" with the security personnel at the showflats. And the embarrassment resulting from their going berserk whenever we were "caught" snapping a picture was no longer fun.

So, here goes nothing...

The wife and I wish to give a shout-out to all Developers and Marketing Agents out there: Please give us an hour (or two) of access to your showflat for any upcoming new property launch. And by "access", we mean freedom to walk around the show units and take as many pictures as we need to.  Better yet if a representative can show us around and answer our questions about the project and show units. But at the very least please ask your Security to leave us alone to go about our business - we promise not to steal anything.
In return, the wife and I will reciprocate with an unbiased review of the project. You may not necessarily concur with everything we say, but we promise to be honest and true in terms of our "likes" and "dislikes".
Sounds fair? Do give us a shout back on our email at  proptalk@live.com.sg  if the above proposition tickles your fancy.
The wife and I are all prepared to have eggs on our faces and zero response. But as the saying goes: "If you don't try, you won't know!".

So we'll see *fingers crossed but not holding our breaths* .....                                       


3 comments to '' Our "proposition" to Developers and Marketing Agents... "

  1. Hi there
    Go for it :) thanks

  2. Same here, just don't understand why the developers won't supply enough professionally taken photographs ,,, and pleassssee NO CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) that pact lot of lies !!

  3. The Folks @SG PropTalkJuly 17, 2014 at 1:45 PM

    Hi Anonymous-s,

    Still drawing a blank here so we reckon our "proposition" is not attractive enough... given our low profile. :-)
