Breaking news: August new home sales down another 15%!

By The Folks @PropTalk - September 15, 2014 No Comments

The private housing market remained in the doldrums in August, with sales of homes falling 15% from the previous month as developers continued to scale back new launches. 

Excluding executive condominiums (ECs), developers sold 432 new units last month, down from the 509 units sold in July, data from the Urban Redevelopment Authority showed on Monday (Sep 15). Including ECs, 490 new units were sold in August, down from 560 units in July.

The lacklustre sales came as developers continued scaling back new launches, with just 351 units launched in August, down from the 441 units launched in the previous month.
Source: CNA

Maybe Highline Residences and Marina One will be the saviours in September?

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