May SRPI: A tale of two newspapers...

By The Folks @PropTalk - June 29, 2012 No Comments
It was a rather interesting contrast we found today while reading separate reports about the May SRPI: The Straits Times has painted a rosy picture by reporting that prices of shoebox units (500sqft or smaller) have moved up by 0.9% in May after dipping 0.8% the month before. But things aren't as perky with The Business Times, which reported that the sub-index for small units (up to 506sqft) islandwide has dipped 0.1% between December last year and May this year.

Maybe shoebox buyers are just more adverse to apartments between 500 to 506sqft you think...?!

BUT SERIOUSLY, the wife and I wonder if the price dip for shoebox/small units will continue to exacerbate as more and more such unit surfaces onto the market....



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